Changes in Customs, Foreign Trade, GEKAP, Incentives, and Indirect Taxes

Changes in Customs, Foreign Trade, GEKAP, Incentives, and Indirect Taxes

  • The recent changes in the tax world regarding customs, foreign trade, GEKAP, incentives, and indirect taxes are being evaluated.
  • Indirect taxes, such as SCT and VAT, form a significant portion of tax revenues.
  • The rate for VAT has been updated from 18% to 20%, resulting in a 2% increase for most products.
  • Customs and foreign trade processes need to be carefully monitored due to the increase from 8% to 18% and then to 20% in VAT rates.
  • Certain hygiene products, such as shampoo and soap, have seen an increase in the VAT rate from 8% to 20%.
  • The potential increase in budget revenues is expected due to these changes.
  • A comprehensive law is being discussed, which may introduce important measures.
  • The recycling participation fee (get-up) may see an increase of up to 200% in rates.
  • Similar potential increases apply to the Special Consumption Tax (SCT) based on the product category.
  • The impact of these changes will be felt in import processes, costs for importers, and consumer prices.

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